Packs & Gear Sale

Packs & Gear Sale

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  • About Our Outdoor Gear Sale

    Our packs and gear web specials are full of long-lasting outdoor gear and bags. You never know what you’ll find here, but we can guarantee that it’s all the same quality as our full-price gear. We might have ordered too much of a certain colour-way or style. You could find backpacking packs on sale, camping gear deals, or maybe even clearance wetsuits. Our outdoor gear sale has something for everyone.Turn a new passion into an enduring one or pick up a discount pack for your next trip. If you need a few extra baselayers or warm outerwear for your next journey, take a look at our web specials for discounts on outdoor clothing and even more gear.

  • Ski Gear Sale Items, Sweet Deals on Hiking Gear, and More

    Our gear is built to last season after season, and we back that with our Ironclad Guarantee. You can count on that guarantee regardless of whether you buy new at full price, save on discount hiking gear or give well-loved Patagonia pieces a new life through our Worn Wear program. If you need gear for a specific pursuit like skiing, snowboarding or hiking, peruse our sale to find the equipment that fits your needs.

  • Great Buys on Packs to Hold Your Stuff

    Your gear is only good if you can access it easily while on the trail. Pack everything you need in one of our discount hiking backpacks. Traveling light? We also have sling bag sale styles at special times throughout the year. See all our hiking packs for more options or check out our full range of packs and gear.