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Going somewhere? Chances are you’ll want to take a few things with you. We make tough packs to hold all your gear. Choose from technical bags and backpack suitcases for travel to everyday packs that go from the commute to the trail. Haul everything you need for sleeping under the stars in a tough camping backpack or withstand a wet day with a water-resistant backpack.
The best hiking backpack fits your trail needs. Maybe the right fit is a small hiking backpack to carry water and snacks, or a bigger hiking bag for when your day trip turns into an unexpected overnight. Whatever you reach for—be it light frames, breathable back panels or extra pockets—we build our durable packs to last trip after trip.
Dodging a storm or hiking through mist, a waterproof backpack will help keep your gear dry and your lunch from getting soggy. We make water-resistant backpacks, waterproof travel backpacks and fully submersible packs to hold it all, regardless of the weather.
We make hiking backpacks in a range of sizes, but if you don’t have much to haul, a lightweight, smaller sling bag or hip pack is a great choice. We make totes, too. They’re perfect for getting up and going, and they stash easily in another bag, ready for when you need it. Our Black Hole® bags are extra-tough and ready for travel. And if you need some garments to go with your gear, check out our multifunctional men’s and women’s clothes made to weather it all.
Because we know prioritising durability results in consuming less energy, wasting less water and creating less trash. View Ironclad Guarantee