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The best outdoor clothing and gear for kids, from summer '24 or earlier, at discounted prices—including boys,girls and babies and toddlers. For more Patagonia discounts, view all web specials.
Kids learn about quality, or lack of it, from their everyday experiences: what they wear and eat and play with. There’s a trend to short-lived “fast fashion,” but Patagonia kids’ clothes represent a different ethos: We insist on function, durability and comfort for our kids’ gear—all the qualities we demand from our adult clothing. And like our gear for adults, at times we make too much of certain styles. That’s why we offer discount kids’ clothing that still withstands childhood and changing conditions. Predicting inventory isn’t a perfect science, so here we are—with sweet deals on cold-weather, hot-weather and all-weather garments forgirlsandboys.Take a look at our kids’ clothing sale and you’ll come across popular styles and colorways from previous seasons. You just might find something for that next beach trip or their new hobby. (Raising a little mountain biker?) If you’re looking for something to keep you comfortable, too, check our otherweb specialsfor jackets, activewear and other outdoor clothing and gear.
We use durable, easy-care fabrics for our kids’ clothes and make sure they’re versatile enough for many seasons and activities. When your child outgrows them, the clothes are made to be handed down. And when a growth-spurt hits, it’s a good time to consider toddler web specials. So, what do we have? It depends on the day or season, but you’re likely to find some durable kids’ jackets on sale. Opt for a light coat for cool conditions and layerable 100% Recycled Down for downright chilly temperatures. If you’re prepping for warm-weather shenanigans, look for kids’ shorts on sale. Our quick-drying Kids’ and Baby Baggies™ Shorts are just as sturdy and versatile as the grown-up version.
The little things—gloves, hats, you name it—are easily lost. Our kids’ web specials, otherwise known as kids’ clothing clearance, are a great source of replacements to be worn and then passed along. Protect that little head from the sun’s rays with a high-crown cap or bucket hat. Keep tiny fingers warm and dry with insulated mittens. We’ve got the right gear to keep them protected and comfortable.
When kids know that their clothes can stand up to vigorous everyday play, they learn something about function, durability and comfort. Take a look at our Worn Wear program. It’s another good spot to find discount kids’ t-shirts, pants, jackets and other gear.
Because we know prioritising durability results in consuming less energy, wasting less water and creating less trash. View Ironclad Guarantee