Opening image: Have your say and help protect the thriving marine life and heaving world-class slabs of Western Australia’s south coast. Photo Russell Ord

From Bremer Bay to the Border: A New Marine Park for an Ancient Coast

Imagine creating a new marine park of global significance, on par with the Great Barrier Reef or Ningaloo.


A bright blue expanse of protected ocean, complete with heaving world-class slabs, ancient cultural heritage, and a vast stretch of the Great Southern Reef — home to salty communities of whales, Australian sea lions, swaying kelp forests, leafy sea dragons, and a diverse array of wild and wonderful marine species, including some that are found nowhere else on earth.

This vast expanse of bright blue ocean is home to a diverse array of wild and wonderful marine species. Photo Russell Ord

Imagine a vast marine park network across four different sea Countries, each one jointly-managed by its Traditional Custodians – the Wagyl Kaip and Southern Noongar, Ngadju, Mirning, and Esperance Nyungar Wudjari (represented by the Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation) people – who hold 65,000 plus years of knowledge on how best to care for sea Country.

Thankfully, given there is currently zero sanctuary-level protection in place for Western Australia’s southern coastal waters, this vision of a thriving marine park could soon become a reality.

The WA government have put forward draft plans for the proposed South Coast Marine Park that stretches out along 1000 plus kilometres of magical coastline, from east of Bremer Bay to the South Australian border.

The draft plan is a welcome start, but there’s some critical science-backed improvements that the government needs to make – increasing the levels of sanctuary protection in the right areas, safeguarding the health of endangered Australian sea lions and southern right whales, protecting kelp forests, sea grass meadows and the super biodiverse near-shore areas of the Great Southern Reef, and importantly, banning oil and gas exploration and drilling from the entire marine park.

A new marine park of global significance, on par with the Great Barrier Reef or Ningaloo, would protect the health and wellbeing of the diverse local community down south. Photo Russell Ord

We know that when it comes to making change, people power works and right now, there’s no time to lose. The WA government are asking for feedback through a community consultation and they need to hear our collective voices, loud and clear.

This crucial opportunity to have your say and help to back-in a truly world-class South Coast Marine Park will close on Sunday 16 June. It's action time, for you and me and all our mates who care about happy southern right whales, celebrating First Peoples’ leadership, and protecting Australia’s ocean for good.

Take action now at Save Our Marine Life.

Learn more about the sea Countries of the south coast: visit the South Coast Marine Park Alliance, representing the Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar, Wudjari, and Mirning people.

Imagine a vast marine park network across four different sea Countries, each one jointly-managed by its Traditional Custodians, who hold 65,000 plus years of knowledge on how best to care for sea Country. Photo Russell Ord

Opening image: Have your say and help protect the thriving marine life and heaving world-class slabs of Western Australia’s south coast. Photo Russell Ord


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