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for submitting your email address. We\u0026#39;ve sent you an email with the information needed to reset your password. The email might take a couple of minutes to reach your account. Please check your junk mail to ensure you receive it."}, "email":"Email", "send":"Send"}, "register": { "title":"Create an Account.", "first_name":"First name *", "last_name":"Last name *", "email":"Email *", "confirm_email":"Confirm Email *", "password":"Password *", "confirm_password":"Confirm Password *", "submit":"Create Account", "error_required":"This field is required.", "error_email":"Email Address is not valid.", "error_confirm_email":"Email Address is not valid.", "error_password":"Must include at least 1 number, 1 uppercase letter and 1 special character (e.g. !@#$%^\u0026amp;*). 8-25 characters.", "error_confirm_password":"Must include at least 1 number, 1 uppercase letter and 1 special character (e.g. !@#$%^\u0026amp;*). 8-25 characters.", "subscription":"Receive emails about new products, sales and store events.", "placeholder": { "first_name":"My First Name", "last_name":"My Last Name", "email":"me@email.com", "password":"******"} }, "reset_password": { "title":"Reset Password", "subtext":"Enter a new password for {{ email }}", "password":"New Password *", "password_confirm":"Confirm New Password *", "submit":"Save", "cancel":"Cancel"}, "edit": { "first_name":"First name *", "last_name":"Last name *", "email":"Email *"}, "preferred_store": { "title":"Preferred store", "select":"Select your preferred store"} }, "gift_cards": { "issued": { "title":"Here\u0026#39;s your {{ value }} gift card for {{ shop }}!", "subtext":"Your gift card", "gift_card_code":"Gift card code", "shop_link":"Continue shopping", "remaining_html":"Remaining {{ balance }}", "add_to_apple_wallet":"Add to Apple Wallet", "qr_image_alt":"QR code — scan to redeem gift card", "copy_code":"Copy code", "expired":"Expired", "copy_code_success":"Code copied successfully", "print_gift_card":"Print"} }, "gift_card": { "title":"Gift Cards", "email_gift_card":"Email a Gift Card", "text_popup":"View Terms and Conditions"}, "products_gift": { "title":"Purchase a Digital Gift Card", "design_title":"Select a card design", "to":"To", "to_placeholder":"Recipient’s Name", "from":"From", "from_placeholder":"Sender’s Name", "price":"Choose your value", "email":"Recipient\u0026#39;s email address", "email_placeholder":"Recipient’s Email Address", "confirm_email":"Confirm recipient\u0026#39;s email address", "confirm_email_placeholder":"Recipient’s Email Address", "message":"Message (optional)\nUp to 120 characters", "message_placeholder":"Message", "button_add":"Add to Cart", "button_preview":"Preview Card", "form_text":"View ", "form_link":"Terms \u0026amp; Conditions", "form_link_url":"https:\/\/www.patagonia.com.au\/pages\/terms-of-use", "form_footnote":"The E-Gift Card will be emailed to you after completing the order. Once received you can forward it directly to the recipient.", "delivery_date":"Delivery date", "errors": { "to":"Enter the name where you want to send the gift card", "from":"Be sure to enter a name", "email":"Enter the email where you want to send the gift card", "confirm_email":"Confirm email address", "message":"The message must be no more than 120 characters", "delivery_date":"Select delivery date"} } }